Just a note to thank everyone who has been so faithful to my blog and especially those who have been passing the word. Keep up the good work... it is working! Had a record number of hits today and I see many are digging into the archives. Thanks! Hope you are enjoying the stories. But I do feel a bit guilty about that since I haven't posted anything in about a month. Sorry, just a lot on my plate here recently including looking for a new job (anyone got any ideas, leads?)
But never fear. As we speak I am slicing and dicing a rather long short story of mine which I will be serializing here starting in June. Look for something special next Sunday, Memorial Day. Till then, again thank you.
PS: Check out my friend author Brenda Ballard's web page. Here is the link. (If you experience trouble just be patient, she has been having problems with the provided. It's worth the effort, trust me. And tell her I sent you!)
Author Brenda Ballard's Web Site