Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Quotes Publication And Princess Haylee Update by BJ Neblett

 Quotes Publication And Princess Haylee Update by BJ Neblett

Hello again. I hope all are staying well in mind, body and soul during these crazy times. Myself, I'd been hunkered down right here behind my keyboard, which actually is the reason for today's blog.

First off, I have once again been honored by having two of my popular quotes selected for publication. The good folks at Wingless Dreamer are compiling a book of inspirational quotes, which will include two of my favorites. It should be out around October or November, and be available in paperback. Keep checking here for updates on release and where you can score a copy.

I've also been hard at work on Princess Haylee, book two in my Planet Alt-Sete-Nine series. If having to stay at home most of the time has one advantage it's the fact that I've gotten quite a bit accomplished. A couple of more chapters, some intense editing, and then it's off to my publisher. It is looking like a January or February release date, and of course you'll be able to pick up ebook or paperback copies from Amazon or your favorite book seller. Again, check back for up dates.

Finally, I know it has been a rough year for everyone. It really sucked that so many of the comic cons and sci-fi/fantasy conventions had to be canceled. No one is more disappointed than yours truly. As things change and we all are able to get back out to the real world again, you can be sure I'll be back on the road again, signing books and meeting with my fans. If you are in the greater northwest, check your area for an upcoming comic con or book convention in 2021 and I'll see you there. For those who live in other parts of the country, we are working hard on expanding our coverage! If you have a favorite convention you enjoy in your area, drop me an email via the address below and to the right and tell me about it. 
