Good gook-a-mookie it's December! Where did the year... wait, I know where 2016 went, I spent it writing! Today, December 1, the new edition of Paradox Ethereal Magazine makes its debut. Mary Vareli does a wonderful job with a beautifully laid out magazine expounding on everything beautiful. It is a free download for all, and it features a new short story by me, The Girl With The Stars In Her Eyes. Click the link and indulge your senses in this wonderful, groundbreaking magazine.
Also this year I wrote a new contemporary literary fantasy adventure, Planet Alt-Sete-Nine: a follow up to it titled Princess Haylee, (looking more and more like a trilogy); getting said book off to the publisher, (check back here for release date); the release of my memoir Ice Cream Camelot in paperback; and selling said books and more at conventions and book fairs: Hugo House, Westercon, Orycon and Authors & Autographs to name a few. BTW, a big thanks to everyone who stopped by the booths and said hello. And don't forget, a review on Amazon or even your own personal blog of my books goes a very long way. Thank You! And looks like 2017 will continue to be just as crazy busy... just how I like it. Oh, before I forget, I'm taking a break for the holidays, but keep checking here for my next appearance, book signing, convention, etc. We've already got many in the works.
If you are in the Seattle area, especially in or around the Ballard, the Ballard Writers Collective will be meeting tomorrow, Thursday, December 1, at the Royal Drummer Cafe, 6420 24th Ave NW, Seattle (Ballard) at 5 PM. The group is a great supportive bunch who welcomes newcomers and old writing vets. If you are looking for a writing group with a large collection of experience in all genres, be sure to stop by and say hello.
Coming up in February I will be teaching a class, Short Stories And Shorter Stories at Seattle's Hugo House, 1021 Columbia Street, Seattle. It is on, guess what... short stories and flash fiction. You can click the link for more info, but my classes fill up quick so... In conjunction with a new semester, Hugo House is hosting its biannual class sampler, Write-O-Rama this Saturday, December 3, from noon to 6PM. This is your chance to spend the day sampling any number of upcoming classes, including my own. Hope to see you there.
Finally, I have been coerced into once again picking up my guitar for fun and... well, just for fun. I'll be joining other guitar/music enthusiasts for an acoustic jam, Friday night, December 2, 6:30 PM at Cafe Appassionato 4001 21st Ave W, Seattle. The jam is open to all, you don't have to be a pro, or even good, and you don't even have to perform, sing along or just listen. Please be sure to come say Hi if you read about it here!
Till next time...
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